MCCC named one of the 'Most Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges' in the 国家

"Diverse: Issues In Higher Education" and the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development named 蒙哥马利县社区学院 as one of the Most Promising Places to Work 在全国各地的社区大学里 for its commitment to diverse, 包容和支持的工作场所和学习环境.

"Diverse: Issues In Higher Education" and the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development named 蒙哥马利县社区学院 as one of the Most Promising Places to Work 在全国各地的社区大学里 for its commitment to diverse, 包容和支持的工作场所和学习环境.

For the sixth year in a row, 蒙哥马利县社区学院 (MCCC) is recognized 国家ally for its exceptional commitment to cultivating diverse, inclusive and supportive 工作场所和学习环境.

"Diverse: Issues In Higher Education" and the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) have again named MCCC as one of the Most Promising Places to Work 在全国各地的社区大学里. 专注于工作场所的多样性,人员配置 practices and work environment, the Diverse and NISOD research team uses a web-based survey approach to examine categories such as family friendliness, salary/benefits and professional development opportunities, to name a few, in its selection process.

MCCC shares this award with only 15 other community/technical colleges in the United States and is the only community college to earn this recognition for six consecutive 年.

“This 国家al award recognizes the College’s longstanding commitment to diversity, 公平和包容”. 维多利亚L. MCCC总裁Bastecki-Perez. “我很自豪 of the steadfast, collective efforts of our Board of Trustees, faculty, staff and administrators and the work they have done to make everyone feel welcomed, respected, valued, 在我们的校园里听到.”  

Because of its strong commitment, MCCC was one of 10 colleges in the country selected to participate in the Achieving the Dream and the University of Southern California 种族与平等中心2021年种族平等领导学院. 代表 from each college are actively participating in a year-long program to develop a strategic racial equity plan to implement actionable solutions at their respective institutions. 

In 2019, MCCC’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved the College’s 股权声明, which serves as the foundation for MCCC’s student success work. 此外,总统的 Advisory Council on Equity and Social Justice – comprised of three active subcommittees for programming, policy review and assessment – contributes to and provides oversight and coordi国家 for diversity programming, reviews College policies for equity-minded, inclusive, and culturally responsive practices while ensuring accountability.  

Throughout the year, MCCC implements numerous programs and initiatives including the 总统多样性年度研讨会,理查德·K. 班尼特杰出讲师 Series - Racism in America, Deans' Lecture Series, Lively Arts Series performances and art exhibitions, and activities throughout Global Diversity Awareness Month including 在国家多样性日举行升旗仪式. 此外,学院 holds training sessions on implicit bias, microaggressions, creative conversation 发展间文化清单.

MCCC also promotes and advances professional development offerings through opportunities 比如 教师多样性奖学金计划, which focuses on the careers of exceptional scholars from historically underrepresented 组. This one-year program provides each fellow with opportunities for teaching, student engagement, peer mentoring and professional development as educators and scholars. In addition to the Fellowship program, employees were provided opportunities this year to participate in safe spaces training and sessions focused on diversity and 课堂包容.

With respect to hiring practices, the College has a diversity representative program, which plays an ongoing and critical role in the diversification of the workforce.

To promote a sense of belonging, MCCC encourages all graduates and employees to wear 多样性是毕业典礼的一部分.

In addition to MCCC, other colleges honored include Clarendon College, Community College of Allegheny County, Florida State College at Jacksonville, Malcolm X College, McLennan Community College, National Park College, Nicolet College, Northeast Lakeview College, 西北维斯塔学院,奥尔兹学院,皮尔庞特社区 & 普林斯技术学院 George’s Community College, Southern Crescent Technical College, St. 菲利普的大学 和韦恩社区学院.

NISOD is a membership organization committed to promoting and celebrating excellence in teaching, learning, and leadership at community and technical colleges. 自1984年以来, 多样性:高等教育中的问题 has been the 国家’s premier publication covering the issues about underrepresented 美国高等教育中的少数族裔.